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Fire Prevention in Your Home

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Your home should be a safe place where you feel comfortable and free from worry. However, house fires can and do occur. Even with insurance, there is a huge risk for loss of property, as well as loss of life. Therefore, you will want to do everything you can to help reduce the risk of fires in your home. Fortunately, there are some simple and effective tips that will help.

Check Smoke Alarms Regularly

Having smoke alarms in the house is essential. Smoke alarms should be installed on each floor of the home and in the bedrooms.

However, you can’t just set and forget most alarms. You need to make sure they are working properly. After all, they are often the first bit of defense you have for the home. They will let you know that there is a fire, but only if they are working properly. Hardwired fire alarms are common today, and they don’t require batteries. However, you will still have to check them every few months or so to ensure there is no problem.

If you have battery-powered smoke alarms, you will want to check on them every month or two to ensure they are working. You should also change the batteries at this time to ensure they are functioning correctly. Knowing your smoke alarms are working correctly will give you peace of mind.

Disaster Restoration, Roofing & Remodeling | Stash Property Restoration

Keep the Stove and Oven Clean

Clean your oven and stove regularly. Small bits of food will accumulate at the bottom of the burners and the oven, and there is a chance that they could catch fire. Clean the oven every couple of months, and make sure the top of the stove and burners are cleaned every day or so.

Consider some of the other potential fire risks near your stove and oven, too. Dish towels, curtains, oven mitts, etc. that are left too close could become a fire risk. Never put anything too close to the appliance that could be a fire hazard.

Check Heating Sources

You likely have various sources of heat that you use in your home, particularly during the winter. You must check the safety of these devices and systems before using them. If you have central heating, you will want to have an inspection at least once a year to ensure it is working properly.
If you are using space heaters—which is typically a bad idea—you need to be sure they are working correctly. You also need to be careful of where you use these space heaters. Don’t put them near anything that could catch on fire.

Use Fire Extinguishers

You should buy fire extinguishers for the home. At a minimum, you will want to have one in the kitchen, where it is easy to access. Ideally, you will have one on each floor in an area that you can reach quickly. Everyone in the family who is old enough should also know how to use the fire extinguisher, and they should know when it’s time to get out of the house rather than trying to put out a fire that’s out of control.
If you invest in some fire extinguishers, they can typically last for several years without needing to be replaced. Check them regularly, though, to be sure the gauge shows the needle in green, so you know it’s working and ready to go.

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Caution Around the Holidays

The holidays often mean that you will have more candles around the house, and perhaps even a Christmas tree. Untended candles are a fire risk, so don’t leave them on when you are out of the room for a long period. Blow out the candles before you go to sleep at night. Consider the candle position, too. Don’t put it near anything that could catch fire, such as a blanket or curtains.

Additionally, Christmas trees start to dry out, even when you are watering them. They also have lights on them. Both of these things can cause a fire risk, so be aware. Unplug your tree lights overnight and continue to water the tree, so it doesn’t dry out too much. Don’t put a space heater near the tree. Make sure there are no open flames around the tree, as well.

Check Outlets and Cords

Just because you can plug a lot of appliances into the wall with a power strip or extender doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Make sure you have a surge protector if you are going to use one of the extenders. Never plug too many appliances into a single outlet, as it is a recipe for disaster.

Additionally, you will want to make sure you are taking the time to check the cords on all of your appliances to see whether they have any issues, such as cracks and breaks. If they do, have the cord replaced or replace the appliance. It’s better to be safe rather than sorry.

Keep the Fireplace and Chimney Clean

If you have a fireplace and chimney, as many homes in the area have, make sure they are cleaned properly. Make sure the chimney has been cleaned thoroughly, so there isn’t the risk of a chimney fire.
When you are using the fireplace, you also want to be vigilant. Errant sparks or even hot ash could start a fire. Make sure there is nothing flammable near the fireplace when you are using it and for several hours after. A little precaution will go a long way in keeping you safe.

Don’t Ignore Electrical Anomalies

If you have circuits that keep tripping, lights that flicker, or other electrical issues that seem like small annoyances, don’t ignore them. They could be indicators of a much larger problem with the wiring in your home. If you have these types of issues, get in touch with someone who can come out and inspect the property to see whether there are any serious issues that need to be dealt with.

Store Flammable Products Properly

You likely have flammable products in the house that you don’t realize are flammable. Hairspray and even shaving cream could be flammable. The same is true of some cleaning products you are keeping in the home. It is important that you consider where you are keeping them and that you don’t store them or use them near any sources of heat. Keep them in a cool, dry place.

What If the Worst Happens?

If you have a fire in your home, the first order of business is to make sure everyone gets out safely. Everything else can be replaced, and if photos can’t be replaced, they don’t matter as much as your life. Once everyone is out and safe, and the fire is out, you will need to assess the damage. Hopefully, it wasn’t too severe, and you can contact a fire restoration company to help with getting the home back in shape.

Get in touch with Stash Property Restoration. We’ve been doing business in the Chicago and Northwest Indiana areas for more than 37 years. Whether you need a massive restoration or minor repairs, we can help. Call us at 219-924-0266 to let us know how we can help.

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